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Lecture Paper 2

Caitlin Pupich DM 350 Lecture 2 Paper         Lecture 2 Paper: Claudia O’Steen             Claudia O’Steen spends a lot of her time conducting first-hand research on the environment. Furthermore, much of her art is inspired by those that went out into the dangerous realm of the Arctic in order to explore, research, and further understanding of nature and the Earth.  These pioneers of exploration influence and drive much of her work and research. With a focus on geology and cartology, she took her own expedition through the Arctic circle. During her trip, she collected images, drawings, stones, and colors while using early techniques to map the color of the sky and chart landscapes. She even used early navigation tools to guide her exploration and to help recreate the experiences of the early explorers. She explored certain elements of the environment, such as the magnetic stone, a...
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Lecture Paper 1

Caitlin Pupich DM 350 Lecture Paper 1 Lecture Paper/Film Screening 1: Mwangi Hutter This artist is a combination of the names of the husband, Robert Hutter, and wife, Ingrid Mwangi, that make up this dynamic duo. They work as a single entity with the intention of questioning and fighting the singular and limiting notions of identity that much of the world holds, even across cultures. Their work is created through a powerful combination of performance art, videography, and sound.             Some of the first works we viewed were recorded pieces of performance art in which the subject, which would be one of the artists, would interact freely with a public crowd. The first included Ingrid performing both with movement and sound in sewer water. The most interesting element is how the audience chooses to watch and interact with these brash displays. The second was more interactive with the audience; Robert sits in a fenced ar...

Gallery Paper

Caitlin Pupich DM 350 Gallery Paper Gallery Paper: All the Submarines of the United States by Chris Burden I looked at the work of Chris Burden in his piece titled All the Submarines of the United States of America. This piece was meant to look at the power of the United States that many of us are not even aware of. While  most of us are taught in school that the United States has one of the largest militaries in the world, the scale of what that actually means is often misunderstood or unnoticed. This work creates a physical representation of that by forming identical cardboard replicas for every submarine that the United States had from the late 1980’s, since the work was created in 1987, and suspending them from the ceiling so that they float similarly to a real submarine .  This ends up creating a cloud of 625 submarines.  Furthermore, the name of each United States submarine can be found in a list on the wall next to the submarines. This is an interesting...

40 Years in the Future Reading

Each of these readings points out the danger that our current state of living may guide us towards.  The first represents this with a shocking story of the distant future. The second looks at how we are damaging our future by ignoring the problems of our present. Finally, a touching letter from a grandfather to his grandchildren apologizes for the reckless consumption that defines our generation and the ones before.               “The Machine Stops” by EM Forster looks far into the future. This futuristic world is created greatly from the imagination of the writer, but it holds elements that were relevant when the piece was written in 1909 and continue to drive our society today.  Considering the age of this piece, it is surprisingly prophetic to our world today. It takes place in a society formed underground due to the presumably uninhabitable conditions of the surface of the Earth. It is run by something c...

40 Years in the Future Proposal

My scene will take place in a small apartment with technology that is similar but more advanced than what we have today. The character will be sitting at a small desk. On the desk there is a small screen with words, but there does not seem to be keyboard; it is controlled entirely by voice. In one hand she holds a pen that she is presumably using on the pad of paper in front of the worn screen that sits on the desk. Her other arm dangles down. It has a metallic bar running down from her shoulder to her hand where it stretches out to each of her fingers. On her wall there will be various pieces of art and references to pop culture in this time or in the she grew up. I will also play with colors that fit the theme of this time.               Her apartment is small. It has a bed in the front, right corner. About a foot away is a table with a small bottle on it.  There are papers, like the ones on her pad that she...